Careers education, information and guidance (CEIAG) is a priority at City College. We believe all our students should be equipped with the information, knowledge and understanding needed to make informed decisions about their future.
In 2017, the government launched its new careers strategy, placing the Gatsby Benchmarks at its heart. The Gatsby Foundation produced these new guidelines for careers provision following research by Sir John Holman to establish the best way to ensure young people in schools received the best careers education. The careers provision at City College is on target to meet all 8 Gatsby Benchmarks by the end of the year and we are currently working towards the Quality in Careers Standard.
Please use the links and information below to access further information about our careers programme. If you would like to speak to the college regarding careers provision, please contact Mr Baillie, Careers Lead, via the main office on 01782 853535 or by email: [email protected].
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
A Brief guide to Careers for Parents and Guardians
Measuring Impact of the Academy Careers Programme
As the sixth form provision of Haywood Academy, City College uses Compass+ in partnership with the Careers and Enterprise Company to monitor and evaluate provision regularly against the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks. We also gather feedback from students, teachers, external careers advisors and other stakeholders on a regular basis following events. Together, these procedures allow us to make continual improvements to the impact of the careers programme.
City College supports students and provides them with opportunities post-16, whether they wish to progress to university, or enter the world of work. Teachers work to ensure that all curriculum areas are fully up-to-date on post-16 information to support students’ decision making.
Business Partnerships
City College works with an increasing number of local employers to ensure our students get exposure to industry professionals and high-quality experience of the work place to help inform their future pathways. To ensure continuous improvement of the Careers Curriculum we are always looking for professionals to work with us, based on student voice and labour market opportunities in varying and dynamic fields. If you would like to be involved in the work we do with careers please contact our Careers Leads, who will be keen to involve you in developing opportunities for students and employer-centred events.
Our Careers Adviser is:
- Victoria Campanelle
If you would like more information or want to request an appointment please contact Mr Baillie, Careers Lead, via the main office on 01782 853535, or by email [email protected].