When considering university, many students are put off by tuition fees and living costs, but at City College we constantly reassure our young people that Student Finance is available to cover this. More information about fees, finance and how to apply can be found on the Student Finance website or on our University links page.
Students can also apply for bursaries and scholarships. These are often based on personal circumstances or academic achievement, and can vary in the amount on offer. Most universities will offer money to students to help them during their time studying, and students will often be assessed automatically for these based on their Student Finance application. However, it is always worth checking what assistance is available when making university choices, and doing some research into other bursaries and scholarships that may be available from other organisations. Students will need to make applications for these directly, but City College staff will always be on hand to assist in this process if required.
More information about bursaries and scholarships can be found here.
The Scholarship Hub is also a valuable resource, with lots of information about funding available to students.