What additional support can be provided in the classroom?
- One-to-one Teaching Assistant Work (all years)
- Group work with Teaching Assistant (all years)
- Differentiated Worksheets/Resources (all years)
- Differentiated lessons to students’ abilities (all years)
- Interventions for English/Maths/Speech & Language, where applicable (all years, where applicable)
What provision do you offer to facilitate access to the curriculum and to develop independent learning?
- Use of laptops for classwork/coursework and for external examinations (all years)
- Coloured overlays/worksheets/exercise books for students that require them (all years)
- Individual one-to-one-support in the classroom (all years)
- Specialised support and guidance in choosing subjects for Key Stage Four (GCSE subjects), Key Stage Five and options for post-18 (years 8, 11 and 13)
- Individual curriculum/subjects that cater for individual students’ needs (all years)
- Withdrawal sessions to support with Speech & Language difficulties, where applicable (all years)
- Subject specific withdrawal sessions, where applicable (all years)
- Individual support to focus on social skills (all years)
- Advice from Educational Psychologist (all years)
- Alternative activities to focus on social and emotional well-being (all years)
Staff specialism/expertise around SEN or disabilities
- All members of the learning support team have obtained, or are working towards, NVQ level 3 in Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools (or equivalent)
- Members of the team have specialist knowledge in many areas of SEND via CPD
- Experienced Learning Support Manager/Assistant SENCO
- Some members of the team have degree-level subject knowledge
- All members of staff are equipped to deal with any Special Educational Need in their lessons and are able to differentiate accordingly
What on-going support and development is in place for all staff regards supporting children and young people with Special Educational Needs?
- Regular CPD with all members of teaching and non-teaching staff
- All teaching assistants have, or are working towards, an NVQ Level 3 in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools
What arrangements are made for reasonable adjustments in curriculum and support to the pupil during examinations?
- Access arrangements which include readers, scribes, prompts, extra time (all years)
- Examinations can be taken in a smaller, less daunting environment (all years)
- Use of a laptop (all years)
- Access arrangements training for all members of the learning support team (all years)
How do you share educational progress and outcomes with parents?
- Academic Progress Days (twice per year)
- Annual parents evening for all regardless of Special Educational Need status
- Data checks – once every term sent home to parents
- Full academy report – annually
- Meetings with parents/carers with Learning Support Manager & team at a mutually agreed time
- Annual statement/EHC Plan reviews
What external teaching and learning do you offer?
- Before & After academy homework clubs
- Saturday sessions, when appropriate
What arrangements are in place to ensure that support is maintained in “off-site provision”?
- Data-sharing with external agencies/provision
What work experience opportunities do you offer?
- A week-long work experience residential where work skills, life skills and social skills are covered in Year 10
- An opportunity to engage in a work experience placement either supported or unsupported (in Year 10 and Years 12 and 13)